Priyanka Chopra brings in the crowds for Guess!
Bollywood Superstar Priyanka Chopra met hundreds of fans and press at the flagship Guess store today.
Priyanka Chopra, the brand ambassador of GUESS, visited the GUESS store at Regent St in London.
Looking stunning and smiling for all her fans, Priyanka greeted her fans with flying kisses.
Priyanka Chopra is the new face of GUESS.
The Bollywood icon, former Miss World, actor and recording artist is one of the most recognised and celebrated talents in India and recently starred in the GUESS Holiday 2013 advertising campaign, guided by Paul Marciano, Creative Director for GUESS?, Inc., and shot by former GUESS collaborator and musician, Bryan Adams. The Bollywood icon was captured for her classic glamour in stunning black and white images.